Michael Butera - NCfME C.E.O.
Recently at a meeting hosted by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) C.E.O., Michael Butera, [allegedly] made some uneducated, distasteful, and frankly racist comments about diversity and minority musicians.
An account of the comments Mr. Butera made can be found here, in a blog post written by Keryl McCord, the Operations Director of Alternate ROOTS, an organization founded in 1976 whose mission is "to support the creation and presentation of original art, in all its forms, which is rooted in a particular community or place, tradition or spirit."
A few quotes from Ms. McCord's account of the incident:
"...Each of the organizations at the table articulated how we were attempting to deal with issues of equity, inclusion, and diversity within our boards, staff, membership, and our fields.
Mr. Butera told us that his board was all white and that he couldn’t diversify his board because they aren’t appointed but, rather, they are elected by the membership. Further, his membership isn’t diverse because, ‘Blacks and Latinos lack the keyboard skills needed for this field.’ He also intimated that music theory is too difficult for them as an area of study..."
"...When another member of our table, who said that her organization is struggling with this issue but that they are working on it, pushed back to ask him, again, why he wouldn’t even entertain the idea of trying to diversify his board and membership, Mr. Butera got extremely defensive. So much so that he refused to engage any further and said, 'I don’t have to take this. Yes, my board is all white, and they are one of the most diverse boards of any organization – more than any arts organization at this table.' Then he stormed out of the room."
Keryl McCord - Operations Director, Alternate ROOTS
After some public outcry, the organization and then Mr. Butera responded.
The statement from NAfME as well as Mr. Butera's statement in response to the concerns of musicians across the country regarding Mr. Butera's encounter with Ms. McCord and other artists fall WOEFULLY short of addressing the problems with what he said, his lack of ability to constructively engage in these conversations, and the fact that these attitudes are pervasive in our field. How can you be trusted to deal with issues you aren't even comfortable discussing?
Immediately, I found some of the comments on the organization's Facebook page and Mr. Butera's Facebook page to be dismissive and disconcerting. The attack on Ms. McCord and questioning of HER credibility in the wake of these kinds of comments is ridiculous, but very telling. When a person conveys their experiences, with clarity and with nothing to gain, comments only attempting to discredit that person or to absolve the organization of responsibility are at best naive, certainly tone deaf, and at worst self serving and ill-intentioned. Of course, these comments do not necessarily represent the leadership of NAfME. But they do illustrate the much larger problem at the root of all of this. I think these attitudes speak to much larger issues in our field, in our country, and in our world. And as musicians and music educators we can’t solve ALL of those problems, but we CAN be leaders and problem solvers in many ways.
While Mr. Butera’s supporters may want to discard Ms. McCord’s account as hearsay, biased, unlike him, or simply untrue - the fact that he did not categorically deny these accusations, or provide an in depth response to them is also very telling. In this internet age, one has to be very careful about crafting these types of responses. Nuance in writing, particularly on social media, takes thought, time, and talent. But those people who are already well educated, well versed, and engaged in work involving diversity can articulate their thoughts, even on the spot, and certainly when given time to craft a response. Mr. Butera’s inability to do so makes him unqualified to be a leader in an organization dedicated to education.
Here is the reality, both the initial statements and responses show not only his inability to articulate a well crafted response to these widespread and important issues, but that he holds stereotypes and ignorant prejudices that the organization he represents should be fighting against. How can the organization claim to be committed to diversity when it is clear that the C.E.O. hasn't even considered these issues? It would be problematic if he only believed that diversity (in his board and in his field were not an issue), but his views are even more concerning - he believes that there is an inherent lack of ability in black and Hispanic students to grasp and execute certain concepts. It would take an entire post - maybe an entire book - to explain how problematic that is. But ALL music educators should understand that when you internalize these kinds of ideas [baises], it DOES affect how you teach, how you give out opportunities, how you interpret behavior and much more. Whether you realize it or not.
There is NO way Mr. Butera's comments can be separated from the organization he leads. And they should not be. We would be in denial and irresponsible to allow them to be. In order to be honest and to be professionals, we MUST acknowledge that Mr. Butera's comments represent a larger issue within the classical music community, within the field of education, and at the point where those areas meet. And we must use this as a catalyst for a larger conversation.
I am a graduate of and deeply involved with the Peabody Conservatory, an institution that is confronting challenging and complicated issues surrounding diversity, inclusion, inequality, access and many other issues that must be addressed in order for our art forms to survive and in order for us to be artists who not only enrich the world, but who lead in areas of humanity. None of this would be possible without an intelligent, open, fearless, leader who is willing to have conversations, confront issues, invest in people and create a sense of community both within and outside of our doors.
There is NO way Mr. Butera's comments can be separated from the organization he leads. And they should not be. We would be in denial and irresponsible to allow them to be. In order to be honest and to be professionals, we MUST acknowledge that Mr. Butera's comments represent a larger issue within the classical music community, within the field of education, and at the point where those areas meet. And we must use this as a catalyst for a larger conversation.
I am a graduate of and deeply involved with the Peabody Conservatory, an institution that is confronting challenging and complicated issues surrounding diversity, inclusion, inequality, access and many other issues that must be addressed in order for our art forms to survive and in order for us to be artists who not only enrich the world, but who lead in areas of humanity. None of this would be possible without an intelligent, open, fearless, leader who is willing to have conversations, confront issues, invest in people and create a sense of community both within and outside of our doors.
Dean Fred Bronstein - Peabody Conservatory, Johns Hopkins University
Like other institutions, Peabody faces hefty challenges in dealing with diversity and inclusion and doesn't have a great history of adequately addressing these issues. (Ask me how I know.) Since his arrival, Dean Fred Bronstein has worked tirelessly to create connections with and among the varied communities within and outside of our gates, to understand the experiences and world views of other people, to seek the counsel and input of a diverse group of people in all areas of growth at Peabody, to create an environment in which ALL people can be comfortable, and - when necessary [in order to make progress and to change the status quo] - to make people uncomfortable. Peabody has a LONG way to go, but Dean Bronstein is proof that this this kind of leadership can, and should, exist.
Mr. Butera's words, attitude, and actions make it clear that he is not ready to be this kind of leader - not at the National Association for Music Education or any other organization. He should seek counsel and training to widen and challenge his worldview, but not as C.E.O of NAfME. Simultaneously, educators, educational institutions, and all organizations involved in this work, nationwide, must be willing to engage in the same practices.
So what now?
We must be involved in demanding that NAfME do more to seriously address what is much deeper than a few flustered statements. It seems that they are just trying to make this go away. Beyond a regurgitation of their mission statement from the organization and a general accusation that his comments were inaccurately portrayed from Mr. Butera - NOT a denial - there doesn’t seem to be any more attention (or intention) surrounding this. That is a PROBLEM!
@Butera_nafme So is the comment false? All I have seen are deceptive cadences.— Audrey Peterbark (@audreee2) May 7, 2016
Mr. Butera's words, actions, and defensiveness represent what many of us already know to be a huge problem in our field. The fact that he was not even well VERSED enough on the subject to give an intelligent response makes it clear that he is not ready to lead an organization that should be at the forefront of these important conversations with intelligent conversations and ideas. How can a man who doesn't seem to understand the meaning of the word diversity (based on his purported comments about his board) head an organization that is responsible for leading music educators across the nation? When questioned by a [presumably white] colleague dealing with the same issues, he refused to acknowledge her concerns. How can you engage WITH people of diverse backgrounds if you're unable and unwilling to even engage ABOUT people from diverse backgrounds.
As noted by a friend and fellow musician and educator, "there's literally no way the organization can claim to be all for diversity when the C.E.O. clearly hasn't even considered the concept. His only actual response was to insult the musicianship of two groups, and blame them for their lack of representation."
Mr. Butera's comments perpetuate false stereotypes that ignore very real issues such as racial and economic inequality, lack of access, prejudice, and the fact that there ARE many Black and Latino students who are thriving in music. It also diminishes the MANY contributions that Black and Latino artists have made to all genres of music.
It is the responsibility of ALL musicians and educators to speak up about this. One encouraging aspect of this situation is the number of people of all backgrounds demanding that NAfME address this further and committing to canceling their membership if this is not addressed with more clarity and/or a change in leadership. Members should demand conversation and action, not only about this incident, but about the original questions surrounding a lack of diversity in the organization's administration. Non members can begin to engage in these conversation in their own institutions and organizations, while simultaneously keeping the conversation around this incident going and using social media and other platforms to keep the pressure on NAfME to further address this.
It is very much worth noting that Mr. Butera's comments are also an indictment of the NAfME leadership and the entire membership. Essentially he is saying that the body of members has voted for the leadership that they want - meaning that they are responsible for, and possibly even desiring of, the lack of diversity. [Whether or not that is accurate is subjective, but it is the insinuation and simply another way to dodge responsibility for the organization’s current lack of diversity and his inability to explain it.] What he doesn't seem to realize is that as a leader it was and is his responsibility to not only represent the body, but to LEAD them towards growth and progress in the field. To open their eyes to things that are wrong, intentional or unintentional, and to things they may not have considered. He is obviously unable AND unwilling to do so.
NAfME's own website inadvertently displays the organizations failure in understanding and addressing diversity. Alyssa San Pedro, a graduate student majoring in music education at Boston University, wrote in a Facebook post, "systemic racism exists in music education, regardless of whether or not Mr. Butera actually made those statements. The lack of diversity among NAfME's membership is a symptom of that racism. The fact that NAfME's page on 'Inclusivity in Music Education' says it is working to provide support for music educators to 'deal with' diversity reveals the role NAfME plays as an institution...I am a Latina graduating with a Master of Music in Music Education and on Monday I will be at work teaching music. I am not part of a problem to be 'dealt with' and neither are my students. I am a member of NAfME and I refuse to remain silent."
A swift apology to silence the conversation and return to business as usual is only beneficial to those who do not seek to grow and make this field better. Mr. Butera's words and actions were uninformed, dismissive, and defensive, but we must acknowledge that they represent the viewpoints of many people, and open the door for a necessary conversation that leads to necessary action. And this charge doesn't end with the end of Mr. Butera's term, whether he resigns or completes it. Any incoming leadership, at every level, needs to be challenged to consider these issues as well.
The most healthy and promising response from Mr. Butera would have been to consider Ms. McCord’s statements and the numerous comments and questions that have been presented since it came to light. To show a real commitment to diversity he would have connected with leaders in this field who have thrived in this area and asked for their advice on actions and words, not simply to smooth over this incident, but to address the real shortcomings and lack of understanding demonstrated by himself through his words, and by his organization through past decisions. He would have offered a sincere apology, even if he believed the encounter to be a misunderstanding, not a denial and defense. He has shown not only through his initial statements, but through his response, that he truly does not understand the gravity and intricacies surrounding diversity, inclusion, access, stereotypes, prejudices and similar concepts.
Even this blog is not enough - because it isn’t specific. It doesn’t begin to address the specific words and actions that are prevalent and problematic in the field. It doesn’t give resources and direction to action - ACTION - that changes these realities we fight. And obviously, for the sake of length that’s not possible in this post. BUT - it is my hope that it does help people to understand why these comments are so problematic coming from a leader of what COULD be an organization that really leads in this area. And that is not to diminish the work already being done by music educators who are a part of this organization. But this has shown us that both leadership and members might have taken the understanding of and commitment to diversity by colleagues for granted, and this is an area in which improvements are both needed and very possible.
All of this has highlighted an ongoing conversation surrounding racism, diversity, access, and prejudice in the arts. And I want to add a term to the conversation: Unconscious bias. The arguments by those supporting Mr. Butera are based not on his behavior in this situation, but instead are based on who people perceive him to be. His reputation. But I often say, even the most progressive people can have strong prejudices and lack understanding of people and things that are different than them. Having a general belief in diversity and having an understanding of what prejudices are and how they actually affect people are VERY different things. You don't have to be a blatant racist to hold onto prejudices that affect how you view the world or how you make decisions. For instance, you can be a proponent of diversity but not recognize why it's a problem that the board for the National Association of Music Education is all white. See how that works? :-)
Here’s a short video giving a little more insight to Unconscious Bias, used in training by Caroline Laguerre-Brown, Vice Provost and Chief Diversity Officer in the Office of Institutional Equity at Johns Hopkins University. Incentive to watch: It’s hosted by Alan Alda! A HUGE takeaway from this - it might not actually be very difficult to CHANGE our implicit biases. BUT...one has to be WILLING to confront them.
Mr. Butera and his supporters should understand that these conversations aren’t some attempt to tarnish a man’s reputation. Nobody wins in this situation. But many people lose when attitudes and ideas like those Mr. Butera expressed are not challenged and redirected. And we can do something about that. Mr. Butera should categorically deny all of these comments and explain what he said in full context OR he should apologize, explain that he still has a lot of learning to do, but wasn't intentionally dismissive or prejudiced, and resign. And not as a PR move or to quiet criticism or assuage members. But as a genuine demonstration that he understands his wrongs, the problems with his comments, and how much he needs to learn. And to show that he is committed to doing that work. That is what a REAL leader would do. Being a good leader means acknowledging not only your strengths, but also your weaknesses and knowing when it appropriate to step back and seek counsel.
This incident highlights the need for us to to ensure that people elected or hired into leadership positions in our educational and professional institutions and organizations have a genuine and overwhelming understanding of these conversations that includes a grasp of the issues and the language. They must be willing and able to understand and engage. And moving forward - again, no matter who the NAfME C.E.O. is - this incident needs to be used to continue a MUCH needed conversation focused on the attitudes and ideas of classically trained musicians and music educators about minorities, diversity, and access in this field.
UPDATE: HERE is the link to an update from Ms. McCord [that was published during the time that I was writing/publishing this post] that I read after writing this post, in which she explains in more detail what transpired that day. It should be noted that Ms. McCord was the only person of color at her table and she wrote, "it wasn’t his interaction with me that was the flashpoint for his departure. I wasn’t the one he stood and yelled at before leaving. That came about because another member of our group basically asked him to not just accept that his organization couldn’t change to become more diverse or inclusive."
So again I ask, how can you engage WITH people of diverse backgrounds if you're unable and unwilling to even engage ABOUT people from diverse backgrounds?
This incident highlights the need for us to to ensure that people elected or hired into leadership positions in our educational and professional institutions and organizations have a genuine and overwhelming understanding of these conversations that includes a grasp of the issues and the language. They must be willing and able to understand and engage. And moving forward - again, no matter who the NAfME C.E.O. is - this incident needs to be used to continue a MUCH needed conversation focused on the attitudes and ideas of classically trained musicians and music educators about minorities, diversity, and access in this field.
UPDATE: HERE is the link to an update from Ms. McCord [that was published during the time that I was writing/publishing this post] that I read after writing this post, in which she explains in more detail what transpired that day. It should be noted that Ms. McCord was the only person of color at her table and she wrote, "it wasn’t his interaction with me that was the flashpoint for his departure. I wasn’t the one he stood and yelled at before leaving. That came about because another member of our group basically asked him to not just accept that his organization couldn’t change to become more diverse or inclusive."
So again I ask, how can you engage WITH people of diverse backgrounds if you're unable and unwilling to even engage ABOUT people from diverse backgrounds?
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